Monday, July 25, 2005

Great Quilts!

We just returned from a trip to Amish Lancaster PA. I have to tell you, I have never seen finer quilting. The stitches are amazing. I am inspired to finish the two quilts I have on the hoops. I won't let myself start a new one until then. Lancaster County has so much to see. The shopping is unbelievable with all the outlet stores. Some of the best Amish shopping was in the little towns of Intercourse and Bird in Hand. (Yes, I know the names are strange). We toured an Amish farm and saw two incredible musical plays, "Ruth", and, " Psalms of David". I have been to Broadway, but this tops anything I have ever seen. I am now back to work to pay for all the money I spent. It was a worthwhile trip I must say.

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